Senin, 25 Juli 2011

RIP | Isshi Ex-Vocal Kaggra

●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬๑۩ WELCOME ۩๑▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●

Tepat pada tanggal 18 July 2011, Isshi dikabarkan meninggal dunia dalam situs resmi project band Isshi, Shiki Project:
Melalui google translate hasil terjemahan dari berita kematian Isshi sebagai berikut:

July 18, 2011, has passed away at his home one aspirations.
The strong preference of the families, relatives already (someparties) at our After the Funeral.
Condolence, Yi enhanced in question will be allowed since, sothank you for your good offices 宜Shiku.

Incidentally, July 28 (Thursday) • 29 (Friday) will of course been in the act of Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Square ”Marriage demon” Fordinner show, You’re welcome to change the contents of the livingdeceased the IC should be done let me remember to take ameeting, contact us for more events for the venue you for yourcontent allowed, thank you.
Everyone of the fans, to whom it may concern everyone of us will not apologize for the inconvenience we worry a lot and apologizeon behalf of the deceased.
You can contact the center for information about the death ofKazushi ※ Please refrain.
* For further information contact
Tel: one ambition in relation T2 Media Ltd Pal -6427 -0158 

Berikut hasil terjemahan google translate pesan terakhir Isshi di hari kematiannya yang diambil dari official blog Isshi:

In day the time base keeps slipping in day.
For a while, such you feel and it probably is what.
It previously arranges today at the locale.
Thing of cooking,
Thing of sound,
Thing of photographing. Laughing
You think that it decides to the considerably small place.
Of course,
Because you think also the thing of everyone who is not the day coming [re] properly,
It waits for announcement!!
Remainder little today,
Producing everyone original ogre, the [tsu] which probably will survive!!

Semoga keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberi ketabahan.

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